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Terms and Conditions of Use of the Platform

Last updated: May 2021


These Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the “T&Cs”) govern the access to, and use of, the Platform content.

The purpose of these T&Cs is to set out the terms and conditions for using the Platform, as well as the rights and obligations of any user who accesses, browses, or visits the Platform (hereinafter the “User” or “Users”).

By accessing the Platform, the User agrees that, every time he visits the Platform, he will comply with these T&Cs, which apply to all services available on the Platform.

Therefore, the User must unreservedly agree to these T&Cs in their entirety, before using the Platform. If the User does not agree, he shall not use the Platform.

LVMH reserves the right to update or modify the Platform information and content, including these T&Cs, at any time without prior notice. All such changes shall become effective upon publication. The User, accessing the Platform after the changes are posted online, shall be deemed to accept such changes, without reserve nor restriction. In order to be informed of such changes, it is recommended that the User regularly refers to the last version of the T&Cs available on the Platform. However, the User will be notified of any significant changes to these T&Cs.


Access to the Platform is free of charge. The User shall be solely liable for all costs in connection with accessing and using the telecommunications network, in accordance with the terms determined by his Internet service providers and telecommunications operators.


The entire Platform is subject to international laws relating to copyright, trademarks and, more generally, intellectual property, both as regards its form (choices, platform map, arrangement of contents, means of accessing data, database or any organization of data, etc.) and each element of its content (trademarks, texts, images, videos, etc.). Such content, featured on the Platform pages, is the sole property of LVMH or its contributors. LVMH or its contributors do no grant any license to the User or any right other than the right to view the Platform.

The reproduction of any content published on the Platform is authorized for information purposes only and for a personal and private use. Any reproduction, retrieval and/or use of content for any other purposes are expressly prohibited and may result in the civil or criminal liability of the User.

Hyperlinks to any of the Platform pages or content cannot be created without LVMH’s prior written consent. Such consent may be revoked at any time. LVMH does not have control over platforms that contain links to the Platform or to its content, and it shall therefore incur no liability (including editorial liability) for any access to, or content of, such platforms.

The Platform may include links to other platforms or Internet sources. To the extent that LVMH has no control over such platforms or external sources, LVMH may not be held liable for the availability of such platforms and external sources and excludes all liability with regard to the content, ads, products, services or any other information or data available on or from such platforms or external sources. In addition, LVMH may not be held liable for any alleged or actual damages or losses incurred as a result of or in connection with the use of, or reliance on, the content, goods or services available on such platforms or external sources.


The User agrees not to:

  • use or allow the Platform to be used in an improper manner, for any unlawful, fraudulent, or malicious purposes, including, without limitation, by (i) hacking the Platform or introducing any malware, viruses, or harmful data into the Platform or any operating system, (ii) using a spider or any other system, mechanism, or program (automated or not) to extract data or information from the Platform or LVMH’s servers, (iii) sending or storing documents containing viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other harmful computer codes, files, scripts, agents, or programs, (iv) interfering with or harming the integrity or performance of the Platform and the data it contains, (v) trying to gain unauthorized access to the Platform, its systems, or related networks, and (vi) trying to gain unauthorized access to the accounts or personal information of other Users;
  • use the Platform in any manner other than as provided for in these T&Cs or in a manner that infringes the intellectual property rights of LVMH or its contributors or LVMH’s reputation;
  • use the Platform in a manner that may damage, disable, overload, disrupt or compromise the operation or security of the Platform.

The User agrees that he is solely liable for his use of the Platform and the resulting consequences of such use.

The User shall keep his ID and password strictly confidential. The User shall not share them in any way with a third party to permit access to the Platform. The User is solely responsible and liable for any activities carried out from his user account, including by any unauthorized user.

LVMH can take any measure, at any time and for any reason whatsoever, to cease, without any prior notice, the use of the Platform by the User who may infringe these T&Cs, without prejudice to any damages that LVMH reserves the right to claim to the User in this respect.


LVMH will make its best efforts to ensure that the information published on the Platform is accurate and up-to-date. LVMH reserves the right to correct such information at any time without prior notice.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, LVMH shall not be held liable for:

  • any ambiguity, inaccuracy, or omission concerning the information available on the Platform; or
  • any damages arising from any third-party intrusion that may alter the information published on the Platform or prevent access to the Platform.

Likewise, LVMH makes no warranties that the Platform will operate without interruption, bugs, or viruses. In this regard, the User represents that he accepts the Internet’s features and limitations.


LVMH will make its best efforts to maintain a reasonable level of the Platform operation and availability. LVMH reserves the right to limit Users’ access to, and use of, the Platform, at any time without prior notice, to conduct maintenance operations or make changes. LVMH shall not be held liable in the event of any access interruption due to such maintenance or update operations.


As regards the management of Your Personal Data for your access to, and use of, the Platform content, LVMH acts as the data controller.

We process Your Personal Data in order to:

  • to raise your awareness as LVMH’s employee,
  • to authenticate yourself on the Platform,
  • to verify connections to the Platform as a security measure.

LVMH encourages the Users of the Platform to review the LVMH Personal Data Policy which sets out, in particular, how their personal data is collected, processed, used, transmitted, stored and protected.

We collect your Personal Data directly from You when You (i) register on the Plateform and (ii) further use the Plateform.

We may also collect Your Data indirectly when You are already registered in our LVMH Group authentication system which is connected with the Plateform.

LVMH processes several types of Personal Data about You:

  • last name and first name,
  • email adress,
  • password,
  • preferred language
  • date and time of connection, date and time of last action
  • type of operating system and its version
  • type of browser
  • IP address
  • Content visited by the user on the Application.
  • Score reached

We process your Personal Data based on our legitimate interest to train and raise awareness among new employees, apprentices, trainees and consultants within the LVMH Group.

Your Data will be only accessible to Our Internal control department according to the need-to-know principle in the context of the awareness raising activities.

Certain third parties may also have access to your Data, specifically:

  1. our subcontractors and service providers acting for technical reasons (Application hosting and maintenance providers);
  2. any authority, court or other third party when disclosure is required by law, regulations or a judicial decision, or if such disclosure is necessary to protect and defend our rights.

Upon request, We can provide You with a list of countries where We store or process your Data, or through which your Data may occasionally transit, inform You of the safeguards used on a case-by-case basis and, where applicable, provide You with a copy of the contractual safeguards.

Your Data is stored for a duration of 2 years as from your first connection to the Platform and will be deleted at the end of this period. Your Data relating to your connection, browser, OS and content is stored for a duration of 6 months.

In accordance with current regulations, You have the right to access your Data and have it rectified without undue delay if it is inaccurate or incomplete. Under certain conditions, you have the right to ask that we delete your personal data or restrict its use. Where applicable, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time, and the right to data portability.

LVMH has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO).

To exercise your right, to contact LCMH’s DPO or for any questions regarding Your Personal Data, please contact Us any time using the following form :

If You have a complaint about the way We process your Data, You also have the right to contact the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (French data protection authority) (CNIL), 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07, France Tel: +33 (0)1 53 73 22 22, or any other competent Data Protection Authority.


These T&Cs shall be governed by French law.

Any disputes that may relate to or arise from these T&Cs shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of French courts.


These T&Cs have been prepared in English. In the event they are translated into one or more languages, only the English version shall prevail in case of dispute.


In the event the User wishes to lodge a complaint about any content that he considers as illegal, he shall contact :